
3D Printing for Kids: 10 Fun and Educational Activities

3D Printing for Kids: 10 Fun and Educational Activities

In this age of technology, 3D printing is becoming more and more popular. But what is it? In short, 3D printing is the process of taking a digital model and creating a physical object from that model by adding successive layers of material by using 3D pens

3D pen can be used to create almost anything, from small toys to entire houses. And as 3D printers become more common and less expensive, they are becoming available to everyone, including children.

3d printing for kids
3D printing can be a fun and educational activity for kids. It allows them to create physical objects from digital designs, and can help them develop skills in design, problem-solving, and critical thinking.

But how do you get started with 3D printing? Here are 10 fun and educational activities to help kids learn about 3D printing and get started with their own projects by using 3D pens.

1. Make a 3D Printed Mask

This activity is perfect for kids who are interested in art and design. First, have them create a mask design on paper. Once they are happy with their design, help them transfer it to a computer program like Tinkercad or Fusion 360.

From there, they can adjust their design and add details before sending it to be printed. Once the mask is printed, they can paint and decorate it however they like.

2. Print Some Games

There are tons of great 3D printable games out there, from simple dice games to more complex board games. Doing a quick search online will yield plenty of results. 

Just make sure to select games that are appropriate for your child’s age and skill level. Once you have a game or two, print them out and sit down to play together.

3. Build a Robot

This activity is perfect for kids who are interested in science and engineering. There are many different robot kits available that can be printed on a 3D printer. 

Once printed, kids can follow the instructions to assemble their robot. They can then decorate and name their robot however they like.

4. Make Some Jewelry

For this activity, you’ll need some filament that can be printed in multiple colors. Help your child design a piece of jewelry using a computer program like Tinkercad or Fusion 360.

Once they are happy with their design, print it out and let them assemble it. They can then wear their new jewelry with pride!

Or, if you’re feeling really creative, you can try making some edible jewelry. There are many recipes online for 3D printable chocolate and candy. Just make sure to supervise closely when printing and eating these sweet treats!

3D printing allows kids to bring their ideas to life, which can help them develop their creativity and imagination. 

5. Create a Stop Motion Animation

Stop motion animation is a technique where objects are photographed frame by frame to create the illusion of movement. It’s a lot of fun, and it’s easy to get started with a 3D printer. All you need is a printer, some modeling clay, and a camera.

Start by helping your child create a scene with the clay. Then, take a picture of the scene. Next, have them move the clay slightly and take another picture.

Repeat this process until they have a short animation. Finally, string all the pictures together to create a video.

6. Cook Up Some 3D Printed Food

This activity is perfect for kids who love to cook. With a food-safe 3D printer, you can print out all sorts of fun shapes and designs. Cookie cutters are a great place to start. Simply print out the shape you want and then use it to cut out cookies or other food items. You can also get creative and print out 3D designs to top your creations.

7. Build a Model Car

This activity is perfect for kids who are interested in cars or engineering. There are many different model car kits available that can be printed on a 3D printer. Once printed, kids can follow the instructions to assemble their car. They can then decorate and name their car however they like.

For an extra challenge, try designing and printing your own car. This will require some basic knowledge of computer-aided design (CAD) software. But it’s a great way to learn about engineering and 3D printing.

8. Design Your Own Clothes

For this activity, you’ll need some filament that can be printed in multiple colors. Help your child design a piece of clothing using a computer program like Tinkercad or Fusion 360. Once they are happy with their design, print it out and let them assemble it. They can then wear their new creation with pride!

9. Paint a 3D Printed Object

This activity is perfect for kids who love to paint. Start by printing out a simple object like a cube or a sphere. Once it is printed, help your child paint it however they like. They can use any kind of paint, including acrylics, watercolors, or even spray paint. Once they are finished, they will have a one-of-a-kind work of art.

10. Give Back to the Community

There are many ways to use 3D printing to give back to the community. One great way is to print out prosthetic limbs for people in need. There are many organizations that provide free or low-cost prosthetics to people who cannot afford them. You can also print out items for people who are experiencing homelessness. Items like toothbrushes, combs, and soap holders can be extremely helpful for people in this situation.

The benefits of teaching kids 3D printing:

  1.  Encourages collaboration and teamwork: 3D printing can be a great group activity for kids, as it allows them to work together and share ideas. 
  2.  Develop skills in design, problem-solving, and critical thinking: 3D printing requires kids to think creatively and come up with solutions to problems.
  3.  Builds confidence and self-esteem: Seeing their designs come to life through 3D printing can be a great confidence booster for kids.
  4.  Provides a sense of accomplishment: Completing a successful 3D printing project can be a rewarding experience for kids.
  5.  3D printing can be a fun and engaging way to teach kids about STEM concepts. It can also spark their interest in these fields and encourage them to pursue careers in these areas.
  6. The Bottom line is printing is a great way to teach kids about technology, engineering, and design. It’s also a lot of fun! These 10 activities are just a starting point. As you and your child explore the world of 3D printing, you’ll come up with all sorts of new and exciting ways to use this technology.

3D printing is a cutting-edge technology that can help kids learn about how it works and how it is used in various fields.

Need a 3D Pen for Your Kid?

If you want to get your kid started with 3D printing, check out our myFirst 3D Pen. It’s specifically designed for kids and is very easy to use.

 Plus, it comes in two colors: pink and blue. With the myFirst 3D Pen, your kid will be able to bring their creativity to life in a whole new way 3D printing can be a fun and engaging way to teach kids about STEM concepts. 

It can also spark their interest in these fields and encourage them to pursue careers in these areas.



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